Aaron Weis Issues Memo on Navy Dept’s ‘Single Tenant’ Cloud Effort

The Department of the Navy (DON) has implemented a policy mandating single tenancy for each DON component in the Microsoft 365 cloud environment.

Aaron Weis, chief information officer of the U.S. Navy and a 2020 Wash100 Award winner, signed the Aug. 31 memo directing the DON to assign a single tenant for the Navy and Secretariat as well as one tenant for the U.S. Marine Corps.

The move comes as part of the department’s efforts to improve directory management and reduce complexities in migrating DON users across disparate networks.

The effort will also help inform the development of a common identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) framework in a push to standardize operations across the Department of Defense (DoD), DON noted.

Testing, procurement and execution activities involving Microsoft 365 tools are currently subject to DON’s review and approval, according to the department.

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